Learning WCF 4 : Default endpoint
Prior to WCF 4 , i.e. in WCF3 , there were three major steps when one talked about WCF Service.
- Creating WCF Service Contract (IService)
- Implementing the contract(Service1.svc)
- Making an endpoint for the service , which could be done using code or web.config file . Majority of times it was done using web.config file.
- Hosting the service
- Consuming that service
Most of the times developers felt that creating a basic wcf service even , they need to play with web.config file, which was a tedious task. Thus Microsoft came up with concept of DEFAULT ENDPOINT in WCF4.
So enjoy coding your first program with WCF4 , without creating endpoint.
Open Visual Studio IDE 2010
Fileà New Project à WCF Tab.
Choose template WCF Service Application, Name it BasicWcf
Step 2:
Delete default code generated from Contarct IService1 , so that it should look like following .
namespace BasicWcf
public interface IService1
string GetData(int value);
Similary do for Service class : so that it looks like following
namespace BasicWcf
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData(int value)
return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
Step3: Open web.config file and delete following line for the time being .
Step 4: Build the service
Step 5: Add new project to the application
Step 6: Add service refrence in this console app to the service created.
Step 7: Click on discover .
Step 8: Add the following in the Program.cs
using ConsoleApplication1.ServiceReference1;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Service1Client proxy = new Service1Client();
var res=proxy.GetData(2403);
Step 9: Build the console app.
Step 10 : Set it as start up project.
Step 11; Run the project (F5)
Output :
Summary : This article shows how WCF 4 works with default endpoint . Default endpoint in WCF uses basicHttpBinding.
To check this just add following code in the Program.cs file and run again.
var bindingName = proxy.Endpoint.Binding.Name;