Monday, February 28, 2011


You migrate two projects named MyWebApp and MyWindowsApp from a Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) database to two folders named ConvertedWebApp and ConvertedWindowsApp respectively on Team Foundation Server (TFS). You create a file named 070-510 settings.xml to use during the migration process. You need to configure the settings.xml file.Which XML fragment should you use?
A. <Project Source="$/MyWindowsApp" /> <Project Source="$/MyWebApp" />
B. <Project Source="$/ConvertedWindowsApp" /> <Project Source="$/ConvertedWebApp" />
C. <Project Source="$/MyWindowsApp" Destination="$/ConvertedWindowsApp" /> <Project Source="$/MyWebApp" Destination="$/ConvertedWebApp" />
D. <Project Source="$/ConvertedWindowsApp" Destination="$/MyWindowsApp" /> <Project Source="$/ConvertedWebApp" Destination="$/MyWebApp" />
Answer: C

You have a folder named $/MyProj/Dev in Source Control. The $/MyProj/Dev folder maps to a workspace named MyDev. The MyDev workspace maps to a local folder named C:\Dev. There is another folder in Source Control named $/MyProj/Apps. You create a folder named C:\Dev\Apps on the hard disk. You try to create a workspace named MyDevClean by mapping the $/MyProj/Apps folder to the C:\Dev\Apps folder. The creation of the MyDevClean workspace fails. You need to modify the settings to successfully create the MyDevClean workspace. What should you do?
A. Change the status of the mapping of the MyDevClean workspace to Active.
B. Change the status of the mapping of the MyDevClean workspace to Cloaked.
C. Change the mapping of the MyDevClean workspace to another local folder.
D. Change the mapping of the MyDevClean workspace to another folder on source control.
Answer: C

You have a source control folder named Dev that is branched into a source control folder named QA. Active development continues on the Dev branch. You check in two files into the Dev branch for a hotfix. The Quality Assurance department tests all hotfixes from the QA branch. You need to transfer only the hotfix from the Dev branch into the QA branch. What should you do?
A. Merge the Dev branch into the QA branch by Date.
B. Merge the Dev branch into the QA branch by Label.
C. Merge the Dev branch into the QA branch by Changeset.
D. Merge the Dev branch into the QA branch by Latest Version.
Answer: C

You apply a label named 6.4 to a source control folder for the build of your application. The developers on your team have started work on version 7.0 for the build and have checked in code.A developer checked in version 6.4 related updates after the label was applied. You need to include the 6.4 related updates that were missed in your label. What should you do?
A. Apply a label named 6.4 to the latest version of the project.
B. Apply a label named 6.4 to a specific changeset of the project.
C. Apply a label named 6.4 to the workspace version of the project.
D. Apply a label named 6.4 to the version of the project as on current date.
Answer: B

Your application will be built by four teams working simultaneously. Each team must be able to build and deploy the application independently and merge code by using labels. You need to design a strategy to meet the requirements. Which strategy should you use?
A. Permit each team to work on the original source code. Synchronize the development effort and merge the branches.
B. Create one branch for three teams. Permit the fourth team to work on the original source code. Synchronize the development effort and merge the branches.
C. Create three branches of the original source code for three teams. Permit the fourth team to work on the original source code. Synchronize the development effort and merge the branches.
D. Create three copies of the original source code for three teams. Permit the fourth team to work on the original source code. Synchronize the development effort, check out target, and get the latest version from the original source code.
Answer: C

You check out a file named MyClass.cs. You make modifications to the file. You need to provide a hotfix that includes the MyClass.cs file. You also need to ensure that the modifications made to the MyClass.cs file are not included in the hotfix. What should you do?
A. Run the tf checkin MyClass.cs command from the command-line after shelving the file without preserving changes locally.
B. Run the tf checkin MyClass.cs command from the command-line and resolve conflicts by using the Merge tool.
C. Run the tf checkin /validate MyClass.cs command from the command-line after shelving the file without preserving changes locally.
D. Run the tf checkin /validate MyClass.cs command from the command-line and resolve conflicts by using the Merge tool.
Answer: A

You have a project in Source Control in a folder named $/MyProject. The project has a subfolder named Images. A developer on your team is unable to get files from the $/MyProject folder. You need to ensure that the developer can get the files from the $/MyProject folder but not from the Images subfolder. What should you do?
A. Remove the folder mapping for the $/MyProject folder. Add a folder mapping to $/MyProject/Images. Set the status to Cloaked.
B. Change the setting of the $/MyProject folder to Active. Add a folder mapping to $/MyProject/Images. Set the status to Cloaked.
C. Change the setting of the $/MyProject folder to Active. Add a folder mapping to $/MyProject/Images. Set the status to Active.
D. Change the setting of the $/MyProject folder to Cloaked. Add a folder mapping to $/MyProject/Images. Set the status to Active.
Answer: B

Client/server architectures cannot be properly tested because network load is highly variable.
A. True
B. False

Singleton architecture is to be used when all the applications have to use or share same data.
A. True
B. False

If the TFS2TFS tool/runtime and process fail during an ongoing synchronization does the tool have any idea of the failure the next time it launches that session?
A. Yes
B. No

All unresolved conflicts in TFS are persisted to the Migration DB.
A. Yes
B. No

You migrate two projects named MyWebApp and MyWindowsApp from a Microsodt Visual SourceSafe(VSS) database to two folders named convertedWebApp and ConvertedWindowsApp respectively on Team Foundation Server(TFS). You create  a file named settings.xml to use during the migration process.You need to configure the setings.xml file. Which XML fragment should you use?
A. <Project Source="$/MyWindowsApp"/"><Project Source="&/MyWebApp">
B. <Project Source="$/ConvertedWindowsApp"/"><Project Source="&/ConvertedWindowsApp">
C. <Project Source="$/MyWindowsApp" Destination="$/ConvertedWindowsApp"/"><Project Source="&/MyWebApp" Destination="$/ConvertedWebApp">
D. <Project Source="$/ConvertedWindowsApp" Destination="$/MyWindowsApp"/"><Project Source="$/ConvertedWebApp" Destination="$/MyWebApp">

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